What is cause of dark energy and matter..

What are the causes of dark matter and dark energy?
“Dark matter” and dark energy are both caused by invisible neutrinos and neutrino-like predicted symmetric particles, that have negative gravity. The negative gravity of dark energy neutrinos primarily causes the outward accelerated expansion of our universe. Secondarily they also cause the inward acceleration of gravitationally bound galaxies, attributed to the nonexistent “dark matter.”
For more on the unified cause of dark energy and dark matter, please see my answer below to the following question:
What are the most prevalent current hypotheses concerning dark matter and dark energy?
Unfortunately there are no prevalent good hypothesis or theories concerning dark matter or dark energy. Physicists are at a roadblock, looking for dark matter WIMPS that don’t exist; and stuck on the rejected by Einstein “cosmological constant” that would blow up our universe in a “big rip.”
But there is an excellent well researched theory, encompassing both dark matter and dark energy, a draft of which was published on May 13, 2018:
A brief summary follows:
Dark energy is the name given to that which causes the accelerated expansion of our universe. According to Einstein’s equivalence principle of general relativity, acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. So dark energy is also indistinguishable from gravity. Gravity is associated with mass, and negative gravity would be associated with negative mass. A result of Einstein’s special theory of relativity is that negative mass must travel at greater than the speed of light, and would have negative-imaginary rest mass. The only particles to be measured to travel at greater than the speed of light are the neutrinos. And neutrinos have the negative mass squared, that can only come from (negative)-imaginary rest mass:
http://pdg.lbl.gov/2017/listings... – Page 6:
MASS SQUARED (electron based) = − 0.6 ± 1.9 eV^2 OUR AVERAGE – 12 negative, all larger or equal to − 0.6, 2 positive but with the highest probable errors.
And there are many more symmetric particles that are predicted by “relativistic mass symmetry” that have negative mass and gravity as well, including possibly “dark photons:”
The estimated 35% dark matter effect could simply be a “hole” or “deficiency” in dark energy, not a separate entity. In this case dark energy would only have to overcome the 5% positive matter, not the 5% + 35% = 40% estimated positive matter. Only a fraction of the estimated 65% dark energy would be needed. Neutrinos, and predicted symmetric neutrino-like negative gravity particles, could easily fill the bill and explain it all.
Physics is beautiful and, once you get it right, everything fits together in perfect harmony.

All credits to: "Paul Calhoun Waser"


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