
Best Android Libraries..

This is my newest list of 25 Android libraries and projects which you may find useful, interesting and which are worthy to check. Check them below and enjoy! 1. transitioner Transitioner is a library which provides easy, dynamic and adjustable animations between two views with nested children. It is written 100% in Kotlin under MIT license and is really well-documented. This library supports API 19 and above and in the project there is also a sample app which presents its features. Undoubtedly this is worth checking! dev-labs-bg/transitioner transitioner - A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions 2. FragmentRigger This library manages Fragments in a powerful way. The goal is to make Fragments easy to use and minify the cost of managing them. The library has a proper documentation as well as a sample app. It is released under MIT license. JustKiddingBaby/FragmentRigger FragmentRigger — :boom:A powerful librar

What is cause of dark energy and matter..

What are the causes of dark matter and dark energy? “Dark matter” and dark energy are both caused by invisible neutrinos and neutrino-like predicted symmetric particles, that have negative gravity. The negative gravity of dark energy neutrinos primarily causes the outward accelerated expansion of our universe. Secondarily they also cause the inward acceleration of gravitationally bound galaxies, attributed to the nonexistent “dark matter.” For more on the unified cause of dark energy and dark matter, please see my answer below to the following question: What are the most prevalent current hypotheses concerning dark matter and dark energy? Unfortunately there are no  prevalent  good hypothesis or theories concerning dark matter or dark energy. Physicists are at a roadblock, looking for dark matter WIMPS that don’t exist; and stuck on the rejected by Einstein “cosmological constant” that would blow up our universe in a “big rip.” But there is an excellent well researched theor

Why it takes small time to reach somewhere with high velocity. [Distance Contraction]

Ever wondered, that why when you move fast you reach your destination early? The reason is obvious as v=s/t and as v(velocity) increases time shortens for a  fixed distance. But when you move in space free from any planetary interaction than something strange is observed. ""YOU REACH YOUR DESTINATION EARLIER THAN EXPECTED"" That's the time when special relativity comes into effect. As an object moves with great speed in space it pushes the space back, folding it, just as if you were moving on a carpet folding it back as you move. This brings your destination closer to you thus reducing the s in the equation v=s/t and with greater "v", "s" decreases so as the distance is no more fixed this equation is no more applicable. "t" calculated is greater in magnitude than actual time taken. That was Distance contraction for you in short.

A compact and efficient supercapacitor printed on a flexible plastic sheet has been developed by researchers at IISc

A compact and efficient supercapacitor printed on a flexible plastic sheet has been developed by researchers at IISc  — IISc Bangalore (@iiscbangalore) July 14, 2018 As reported by IISc Banglore, India they have created super efficient capacitor.... Summary:- A lightweight, compact and efficient supercapacitor printed on a flexible plastic sheet has been developed by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). Supercapacitors are devices that could one day replace batteries used in electric cars, cell phones or laptops, because they charge very quickly, and work at almost 100 percent efficiency. But they are usually bulky and can only store limited amounts of energy. Reducing their size without losing efficiency has proved challenging. Fabricating them using existing methods is also costly and complicated. In the current study, the IISc team created a compact supercapacitor by using a simple spray coating technique to deposit alternating layers of hybri

Internet Controlled LED part 2 -- Suvin

Internet Controlled LED part 2 -- Suvin I showed you how to setup the basics for the project in my previous article. So now I'm gonna walk you through the next part. Step 3: Setting up the web server In the web server we need to host our JSON (Java Script Object Notation) File. Once the ESP8266 is connected to the internet, It reads this JSON file and determine is the light is turned on or off. Open your Notepad or the text editor you got on your PC ans type this. {"light":"on"} Actually we don't need anything to write on the JSON file because it is linked to the ON and OFF buttons and it writes automatically. But I wrote this just for show you what it is look like. Once you type the above, save the file and name it with light.json. Now you need a good web hosting service. I recommend "000 webhost". Its free and easy to setup. I'm not gonna show you how to host a file on 000 webhost now because there's a plenty of tuto

Capacitors and Dielectrics

Capacitance Capacitance is the measure of an object’s ability to store electric charge. Key Points The unit of capacitance is known as the farad (F), which can be equated to many quotients of units, including JV -2 , WsV -2 , CV -1 , and C 2 J -1 . Capacitance (C) can be calculated as a function of charge an object can store (q) and potential difference (V) between the two plates:  C = q V C = q V  Q depends on the surface area of the conductor plates, while V depends on the distance between the plates and the permittivity of the dielectric between them. In storing charge, capacitors also store potential energy, which is equal to the work (W) required to charge them. For a capacitor with plates holding charges of +q and -q, this can be calculated:  W stored = CV 2 2 W stored = CV 2 2 . The above can be equated with the work required to charge the capacitor. Key Terms dielectric : An electrically insulating or nonconducting material considered for its electric susceptibil