Quantum Physics ASAP
If you want me to read this out to you click play button down below . Hey there this is Aman and you are on SciTech Revel! So, today’s topic is Quantum Physics… The word quantum itself is so mysterious, so we’ll be discussing it first. Quantum means a discrete quantity . In quantum physics we talk about particles as those quantum or discrete quantities. Quantum physics or quantum mechanics is the physics of building blocks and beginning. This subject possesses its own set of rules. It is a branch of physics but it doesn’t follow the classical Newtonian laws. The classical Newtonian laws seems to work inefficiently in quantum realm. For example, the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle also is the result of quantum mechanical laws. The quantum system obeys its own laws which are responsible for the building up of matter and working of universe. Quantum systems posses a special property of superposition, this property enables the components of system to show ...